It’s again time to respond to the NorCal seed sowers and a fallacious post that they made about atheists. “As I looked back over our 15 minute conversation it was clear that God challenged them on their beliefs. 1) There really aren’t any atheists, ... read more

I am Stephanie Hughes and I am a registered chemical engineer, working as an independent consultant as well as a university lecturer. My consulting is in regards to water quality – supporting local wastewater and stormwater agencies in their quest for c... read more

The SkeptiCal Convention 2016 is happening soon, May 15th, and The Atheist Community of San Jose is giving away a SkeptiCal ticket to one of our awesome members! Participation is easy! Make sure you’re a member of our Meetup here: read more

Name: Werner R. Haag, Ph.D. I grew up in New Jersey in a family of 6 speaking German as a first language. We went to Sunday School but by age 9 the family had drifted away from formal religion without much discussion about it. My father was a chemis... read more
Position: Website Administration and Support Time Commitment: ~2 hrs every week Description Assist in developing and maintaining ACSJ website Instantiate, update, and delete content as requested by the board Implement & maintain website capabilities b... read more