The goal of this cleanup event is to remove as much trash, debris, and recyclables as possible out of our San Jose water ways.

The Creek Connections Action Group is a consortium of public agencies and non-profit organizations that share a goal of protecting Santa Clara County’s waterways. These agencies include the Santa Clara Valley Water District, Santa Clara County Parks and Recreation, and the City of San José.

The Creek Connections Action Group (CCAG) was formed in San José, California in the fall of 1995 by several local agency coordinators whose goal was to collaborate their creek cleanup efforts in Santa Clara County. Since the group’s inception, thousands of volunteers have participated in hundreds of cleanups, removing thousands of pounds of trash each year from creeks, rivers, and lakes in Santa Clara County.

Volunteers are encouraged to wear long pants, sturdy closed toe shoes, and sunscreen. They also suggest long sleeve shirts, though considering the weather lately, it may be good to wear light layers. For more Volunteer info: Click Here

As ACSJ members, we hope you take this opportunity to sport your ACSJ shirts and hats!

Please park on the street nearby. Snacks and beverages will be provided along with work supplies.

(Once we notify our location coordinator as to how many volunteers will be coming from our group, it is important to show up as promised, so please confirm your RSVP status well before the clean up day to keep them thoroughly informed.)

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