Wednesday, 06 Jul 2016 8:15 PM
Do you want to practice questioning beliefs?
Join your fellow atheists and engage in some role playing so you can take turns practicing the art of effectively and respectfully questioning theists’ (and atheists’) beliefs. Since this is practice, role playing as someone with a belief you know well but don’t/no-longer believe may help keep things from getting too personal or heated. This is the time to make mistakes and learn from them with supportive folks who are interested in bettering this skill along with you.
Dr. Peter Boghossian’s book ‘A Manual for Creating Atheists’ may prove to be helpful reading. If you have a hard copy, do bring it to share with others.
Please watch some videos below to help prep yourself for this practice session:
Anthony Magnabosco – Questioning Beliefs Playlist
Matt Dillahunty – Atheist Debates Playlist
Do share other helpful links in the comments!
This practice session does not yet have a host. If you’d like to host this pre-event, please private message Lyn so she can make you event host.
This Pre-Event takes place during set up for the speaker event:
Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia – Susan Gerbic
if you have the chance to assist in set up (e.g. hanging up the banner, setting up chairs, arranging reading material, etc.) please let Sean, Donnie, Jason or Lyn know. Your help is always appreciated and welcome in making our community great.
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