What could be better than An Evening with Matt Dillahunty? Another evening with Matt Dillahunty – plus a Pub Crawl!!

The Pub Crawl is the ancient art of drinking beer and walking around. Sure you could stay in one place, but walking around helps you test your balance and dexterity – and truly gauge your drinking abilities! (but please drink responsibly)

Matt is going to join us tonight as we descend on downtown San Jose, starting with the Market Beer Company in San Pedro Square.

Vote for your favorite spot in the comments section and we will come up with a crawl map, so in case you show up late you can still find us.

We will also use our social media skills to keep you apprised of our location @SanJoseAtheists

No limit on attendees here so lets pack the place and wear our ACSJ shirts with pride! Behold, a mob of atheists!! 

Tebow no like!

This is a free event, and we want everyone to show their pride in our organization! We have a great group of people here so let’s have fun!

In appreciation of this awesome event, you may donate to help cover costs and to help grow the organization. We want to do more!!

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