Please join ACSJ in the assembly of undergarment kits (“street gold”) for the Downtown Streets Team (DST) ( The DST operates in San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Palo Alto, giving local homeless a “hand-up” rather than a “hand-out.” Based on the needs identified by DST, and thanks to grants from ACSJ and the Foundation Beyond Belief, we have purchased enough supplies to build about 70 men’s and 30 women’s undergarment kits. (This event is in parallel with an 11 AM – 3 PM Blood Drive at the Humanist House.)

The Humanist Community in Silicon Valley is providing the use of Humanist House for this co-sponsored event at no cost to participants. See for information about the Humanist Community. Thank you for volunteering with ACSJ. Our philanthropic efforts are meant to demonstrate that atheists care about our community. All volunteers are ACSJ representatives so it is essential to show respect and consideration for others, including those who may hold beliefs different than your own.

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