The following is the official Atheist Community of San Jose (ACSJ) policy regarding solicitations and promotions:
No person, ACSJ member or other, may promote or solicit at an ACSJ event, or in an ACSJ online forum, without the expressed written permission of the ACSJ Board of Directors (BoD). No person, ACSJ member or other, may record media (audio, video, or other) at an ACSJ event without the expressed written permission of the ACSJ BoD. Any person violating this policy may, at the discretion of the ACSJ BoD, be barred from participating in the event and may be barred from future ACSJ events as well. Any ACSJ member violating this policy may, at the discretion of the ACSJ BoD, have their membership rescinded and may be barred from participating in any ACSJ events.
In order to have a request to promote at an ACSJ event or in an ACSJ online forum considered, it is necessary to provide a clear and detailed description of the promotion. This information should be provided no later than 7 days before the event so that it can be reviewed and considered by the BoD. The more detailed the information is, the better the BoD can evaluate it in the context of the ACSJ Mission and Purpose. This includes specific details regarding any announcements to the ACSJ membership and any promotional materials (flyers, pamphlets, banners, T-shirts, etc.) to be enlisted.
In order to have a request to record media at an ACSJ event considered, it is necessary to provide a clear and detailed description of what the recording media are (audio only, audio+video, streaming video, etc.), how they will be recorded (passive recording, interactive recording, etc.), and for what purpose (personal use, upload to online resource, promote ACSJ in news outlet, etc.). Again, this information should be provided no later than 7 days before the event.
Some ACSJ guest speakers specifically request that no media be recorded in order to protect the intellectual rights to their original content. The ACSJ is committed to respecting the rights and privacy of our members and guest speakers.
For questions or comments, or to submit requests, contact us at
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