The purpose of this document is to establish the official policy that governs the types of member suggested meetup (MSM) events & activities that may be scheduled on the Atheist Community of San Jose (ACSJ) Meetup site. The intent is to provide the ACSJ Board of Directors (BoD) oversight and veto authority over those MSMs that do not meet the standard set forth in this policy statement.

The Mission of the Atheist Community of San Jose (ACSJ) is to develop and support the atheist community and to provide opportunities for socializing, philanthropy, education, and friendship. We promote a positive public perception of atheists and secularists, and work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

The Purpose of the ACSJ, as codified in the Articles of Incorporation, is to educate the public about: atheism, skepticism, and free thought; the advantages and benefits of a secular society; the rewards of community diversity that includes atheists; and secular morality as a sound basis for humanitarianism and service to the community.

The purpose of MSMs is to promote community and provide opportunities for socializing, philanthropy, education, and friendship. Members are encouraged to suggest meetups on the ACSJ meetup site that comply with the following policy. It is at the discretion of the ACSJ BoD to disallow any MSM that does not comply with the following policy.

  1. Only those members who are active participants in the organization may propose a MSM.  One goal of the ACSJ is to develop and support the community of atheists, and not simply to promote the events and activities of other organizations.  Thus, a member must demonstrate their active participation in the ACSJ community in order to propose ACSJ MSMs.
    1. An “active participant” is defined as a member who participates in at least 2 qualifying meetup events/activities in any given span of 3 months.
    2. A qualifying meetup event/activity for a given member is one not suggested by that member.
  2. All MSMs must both support and not conflict with the ACSJ mission and purpose.
  3. All MSMs must promote a positive public perception of atheists and secularist.
  4. No MSM will be allowed that has as the effect, or the potential to result in the effect, of a protest or any sort of opposition activism.
  5. No MSM will be allowed that has as the effect, or the potential to result in the effect, of the promotion of or opposition to a political issue or candidate.
  6. Some MSMs may promote activities and events that are hosted by other organizations.  This will be allowed only if:
    1. The activity/event complies with this policy;
    2. It is demonstrated that the hosting organization shares common goals (as described in the mission and purpose statements) with the ACSJ.
    3. The MSM is not hosted by another Meetup group or groups, unless co-hosted by ACSJ or ACSJ Family Fun.

For questions or comments, contact us at

09 Feb 2014

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