Dr. Garst will trace female goddess images from the Paleolithic through the advent of a male sky god in the Neolithic. She then describes how the various pantheon of gods and goddesses in several cultures devolved into a sole male deity and discusses the impact this has on women today.

Dr. Garst has a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She retired as the executive director of the Oregon State Bar in 2008. She became incensed with the U. S. Supreme Court decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby. In this decision the court stated that because of its religious views, the company did not have to pay for certain forms of reproductive control for its women employees. She decided to write a book entitled “Women Beyond Belief: Discovering Life without Religion.” This is a compilation of stories from 22 women who have left religion. In her research, she has read numerous books about religion, mythology, and atheism. Her book will be for sale for $14.00 (cash, credit or check all OK) and will be signed for the purchaser.

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