Promoting critical thinking is challenging everywhere. But it is even harder when there are deeply rooted superstitions, widespread denial of science, and political pressures on freedom of speech. Dr. Isil Arican will explore the examples of growing skeptical movement across the world with a focus on skepticism and critical thinking in Turkey, her native country.

Dr. Isil Arican is the founder and the author of Yalansavar, a well-known Turkish critical thinking website. She is an active member of the skeptic society in the Bay Area and serves as a board member for Bay Area Skeptics. As a science advocate, she also contributes to an online Turkish popular webzine Acik Bilim as an author and editor and volunteers at TED Talks as a translator. She holds an MD degree from Ege University School of Medicine in Turkey, and an MS degree in Healthcare Administration from the California State University. Currently she works as an Healthcare IT Professional in the Bay Area.

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